Monday, September 12, 2011

Thirty Six Hours

Here we are, back again in Manila.

This recent trip to Bicol was the shortest visit I had in all my visits. We only stayed 36 hours at home. We arrived at 8am on Saturday and left at 5pm on Sunday. We were on the road for 7 hours each way. From Cavite, my Uncle and I picked up my Lola in Tondo, then hit the road going to Bicol.

I missed my hometown, this my best description of simple living. According to my Uncle, we had electricity in our barangay at about 1980 or so. I am lucky because I was born in Manila in 1979 and my Lola brought me to Bicol sometime in 1980, I suppose when electricity is so new in town. Suddenly, I remember the old radio transistor and a small electric fan we have at home. These are the only thing we have at home that uses electricity aside from the 2 electric bulbs we have. Analog TV, Turn Tables and Electric stove may already be common in Manila but not in our place. In fact, I don't remember that we have ever used the electric fan because its not needed. We only had that because its one of the things my Lola got from my mother when I was given to her. So my lola had no choice to take home the fan with me.

Enough of reminiscing, I will show some picture I took when we had a chance to attend the afternoon mass on Saturday in our local chapel.

Enough of reminiscing, I will show some picture I took when we had a chance to attend the afternoon mass on Saturday in our local chapel.

This is the main altar at the chapel. A lot of improvement compare of what we used to have more that 20 years ago.

The old image of San Roque is the same we have years and years ago.

This is the same old image my lola and I used to pray at whenever we pass by the chapel.

This is my Lola, taken after the mass. She was talking other mass attendees who wants to say hello to her and ask blessing of the hand.

I was lucky to take pictures of those who attended the mass also.

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