Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Savings or Expensenses

Who does not dream of a car?  I would lie if I would say I didn't.  Having a car is actually on my list of things to have since I can't remember well.  All I can remember is I wanted to follow the path of one of my Uncle who had his house and lot and vehicle before he got married. 

And if you will realize, having a car means you are exposed to more expenses.  Believe it or not, its the truth!  Back then, all I can think of the reason why I want a vehicle is to avoid commuting everyday.  I thought I can save this way.

What I did not know and realize early on are the following:
  • that you need to pay for a car wash
  • that I need to pay toll
  • that there is this so called car insurance  and its renewed annually
  • that there are things need to be settled with LTO
  • that i need to pay  PARKING FEE
  • it will not run if you will not buy fuel
Here are the things you might want more if you have a car:
  • replace the mags
  • install a curt trailer hitch
  • change your head light to a better one
  • car accessories
  • customize the car
The first part are expenses inevitable while the second part are things you can opt out if the concern is budget.  Bottomline is, HAVING A CAR DOES NOT FOLLOW SAVINGS, it will actually expose you to more expenses.  Believe you me!!!

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