Tuesday, November 29, 2011

No Work on Christmas and New Year’s Day

This year is the first time in my stay with Shell that I get to spend Christmas at home. All of us in the office are excited and thankful, especially those whose families are in the provinces.

Having more than one week vacation that includes Christmas and New Year’s Day is a dream come true for the whole family. This is mostly thru for those who works in customer service and contact centers. I wished I have been with my current company since day 1 of my working days.

Our traditional monito monita or exchanged gift has started early in November and we are halfway thru it before we get have our wishlist. Everyone is so crazy who’s code name belongs to whom, my team leader is so crazy to discover who here baby Sam Pinto is amongst us.

In December, we will be busy attending christmas parties of different departments that includes ours. So that will be three Saturdays before Christmas day. We are all excited to get our amenities of theme park tickets for free and to attend our party at Dusit Thani Hotel.

We are all hoping that all POS system in all our garages works and cooperates well during the holiday season so we’re not gonna have any customer in trouble while we are partying every weekend and on Christmas and New Year.

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