Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Work Work Work

Once again, 15th of the month is just around the corner.  Our company pay us once every month unlike other companies so we are only rich one day in a month every month.

Anyway, I am so excited to receive my pay check because its only this month I had worked so hard, literally hard.  I did not realize I spent more than 50 hours overtime work.  Don't get me wrong, I am not workaholic and I despise my job. I guess, I feel this way not because of anybody or anything about my job but because I want to stay home and take care of my son.  I guess I want to become free from being needed to report to work on weekdays and on a specific time. I hate when someone dictates what time should be hungry or go to the washroom.

Maybe its best to reward my self for being such a workaholic but not workaholic. I want something for my self. I wonder where can I buy compaq laptops, the one given to me by my lovely husband two years ago was already broken but I still want a compaq.   Promised myself, I will get one this payday.

1 comment:

Dea said...

oDesk is the way to go!