Having a credit card is good but can be so tempting. At first I thought it was really hard to get one but if you are already a young urban professional, works in a good company and clear in any debt, its not gonna be that hard for you.
When I got my first credit card, I still get offer of pre-approved credit cards from other banks and I simply refuse them. I even got a feeling that bank share contact list of good credit card holders of which they try to send credit cards too.
If you have one, its best that you keep it an only use it when in extreme cases and situation. Being an impulsive buyer will only get you into trouble eventually. You wouldn't want to deal with debt collection agency in the end.
I ended up cutting my cards when I came into the point that I can't stop myself from using the credit card on not very important reasons.
When I got my first credit card, I still get offer of pre-approved credit cards from other banks and I simply refuse them. I even got a feeling that bank share contact list of good credit card holders of which they try to send credit cards too.
If you have one, its best that you keep it an only use it when in extreme cases and situation. Being an impulsive buyer will only get you into trouble eventually. You wouldn't want to deal with debt collection agency in the end.
I ended up cutting my cards when I came into the point that I can't stop myself from using the credit card on not very important reasons.
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