Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Shopping List | 13th month pay will soon come

All these time, my montly salary always goes to our household needs.  But now that the 13th month pay will soon be awarded to us, i can't help but to make a list of the things that i really wanted to buy.  Sigh, how I wish my 13th month will really be enough..

1. a nice jacket that I can us to combat the sometimes cold AC in the office.
2. footspa, im a virgin at this, haven't really try any kind of spa service.
3. lipofuze, i need to have the best fat burner, being 30 and working all day in front of a computer does not help me loose wait at all.
4. a new phone, i want something that can hold 3 sim cards at the same time.
5. a netbook, a love the laptop given to me by Rey last Christmas, but I want a netbook that I can carry around
6. a siamese cat
7. a nice gift for my mom's birthday

November is just a few days away, once its November, waiting for the payday is really exciting.

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