Friday, September 2, 2011

What kind of work do you want

I have been working for 11 years now and still I am not getting the kind the kind of job I want? Honestly, this is how I sometimes feel. But there is one important lesson I learned all these years of working, that will never stop working and  you can never just leave a job.  This is specially true for two reasons, one if you have a dream and two if you have family to support. 
A couple of days ago, I received a request from one of our garages in UK to verify if all transactions on the email attachment have been paid to them by my company.  I am happy to help, so I said yes and I will get back to them in 48 hours.  When I check the attached, I thought of printing it for easy reference and guess how thick it was after it was printed. That bundle of paper is more than an inch thick and each paper have at least 3 manual vouchers on it that I need to check.  Its all about the fleet cards not working properly at the point of sale, and you can just imagine how many digits are there in one card number. If they say patience is a virtue, its not enough here, being careful at all times needs to come along.

If I can just leave my job just like that and look for Technologists & Technicians Jobs just for the heck of escaping this request from our retailer, maybe I would. But I just can't stop working for so many reasons I don't want to elaborate....Thinking of  reasons why someone needs to work seems to be more complicated than starting to fumble my fingers on these bundle of papers and getting back to the retailer with an answer.


Dea said...

Oh my gulay, ang daming manual vouchers! Good luck!

Anything Under the Sun said...

its so sad....