Wednesday, June 29, 2011

How to take your preschooler's temperature

There are two kinds of thermometer that we can use to take our child's body temperature. The old fashioned one with mercury deposit on one end and the newly introduced digital thermometer.  Its best that you know how to use the old fashion thermometer especially when there is an emergency and you can't find a digital thermometer. Make sure that the battery of the digital one is in good running condition to get the accurate temperature.

These thermometer can be used rectally, orally, or under the arm although there are some that are specially designed to use in the rectum.  Mothers, its very important that you designate a thermometer for rectum use only because you don't want infections adding up to your childs condition.

If your child has just taken his bath, you may want to wait up to about 20 minutes to take his temperature accurately.  According to professionals, rectal thermometer is the best and has accurate reading, that is why this is being used for babies under 3 months of age.  This is not done generally for toddlers, imagine how much they would hate it especially when they feel sick.

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