Sunday, January 30, 2011

My camera needs a fixing

Up to now my Pentax digital camera is still useless.  I have not brought it the service center due to my busy schedule.  Aside from that, I am clueless of any service center for Pentax cameras. 

I think I am really losing hope if its still can be repaired. Maybe I should have really listened to Rey when he wanted to get a different brand of camera.  He wanted to get  a Cannon back then but I insisted to get the Pentax because its much cheaper than a Cannon and it has more added features.  It really feels bad when you are trying to save some yet your losing more.  I am now blaming myself for sacrificing quality over a small amount of money.

Tried to do some online research and I  found out that Pentax is a Japanese company that focuses its business with cameras, binoculars, rifle scopes, telescopes and the likes.  They also do information and communication products and eyeglass lenses.

I really hope I could find time to bring this camera back from where I purchased it and leave everything with them to find a way to have it fixed.

Sit like a king

An excited molecule.  That's how I feel about moving to Laguna next month.  Excited yet pressured and worried about how we will put everything in place.  Its going to be another major cleaning and fixing of our things at home to make it all fit inside the house.

Funny thing is, we do not have any cabinet fixings and furnitures yet.  Our cleopatra style sofa is already old and overused and Gad had had some crayon scratchings on it.  I wonder how it feels when you have good nice sofa in your sala and you can sit comfortably or even lay down while watching TV.  Oh, i'm so dreamy!  I wonder if sofas where king and queen sits in fairy tale stories are covered with microfiber upholstery fabric.  Do you think they had it during their times?  Maybe it would be best if i just have our old cleopatra re-upholstered.

You think this one will be an elegant choice of design for our cleopatra?  Hopefully I will find this in my local upholstery shop.  My boys will be sitting like a king on this one!

Friday, January 28, 2011

I wants these more than make ups...

Ever since, I did not dream of having a collection of beautiful make ups like every girl would want to have.  Having different shades of lipstick would be enough for me because that,s most of what I am using.  When I want to exhaust myself in window shopping,  I will spend most of my time looking at different kind of linens; beddings, blankets, pillow cases and curtains.

Don't you think you wont fall in love with these peacock alley blankets, beddings and pillows.  I can't wait to have a least a set of them.  Price  is worth the quality and style.  I wonder how beautiful it would be in our room,  I wish we could set up the bedframe soon, but not until Gab can manage himself not to fell off the floor when sleeping.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

what is your beauty regimen

Everytime I am being asked of my age, I have this short pause trying to remember what to answer.  I was born in 1979 and I am not ashamed to admit that I am over 30 years of age now, to be exact 31.  And what I do not understand with myself is that every time I need to put my age on a form I need to fill out for myself or I need to answer a doctors question regarding my age, I am not able to answer as quickly when I was 25 or 18.  I guess I am confused with my age.

I may be able to unconsciously forget my age but I know I am cannot escape signs of aging and eventually combat them.  At this age, I still don't keep any beauty regimen because I was never used to.  As long as I wash my face with soap and water I am already happy and feel refreshed.  I envy those people who was able to develop a habit of spreading some sort of liquid or gel to clean their faces every night.  I envy the feeling of other being obliged that need to do each night before going to sleep.  Honestly, its a struggle for me, especially now that I know I should really do it to at least keep my youthful image until about early forties.

Can you guess how old or young this lady is?  I think you will be confused, by the way, she is Lea, on of my cousin doing her beauty regimen daily.  By the way, this cousin of mine used to have problems with her blackheads and I guess that I when she started to be conscious on her face.  That was a long time ago, she was able to discover a very good website to make her free from blackheads.  Anyone who may want to see it, just click here to get rid of your blackheads.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fountain of Youth

Would you believe if fountain of youth had already been discovered?   I must admit, I am not a book lover and really don't read that much.  I can count on my fingers the pocket books I've read before but please do not ask me what the story was because I have already forgotten it.  That's how bad I am.

I have heard of this fountain of youth during my school days but I really did not bother learning much about it.  I was contented knowing that its a ancient legend that has been passed on from generations to generations with different versions from different locales.

And if fountain of youth will really be discovered soon, hopefully it will not only make humans younger but also free from any kind of sickness or any health problem.  It should be as perfect as any kind of treatment from acne treatments to the most serious kind of dreadful diseases like cancer.   Should there be a medicine like that, I think I should agree that fountain of youth has already been discovered, but not in a form water in well.

So much of my opinion, anyway,  I had a long day today.  I am on vacation leave because I visited my cousin and my grandmother.  Too bad, I was not able to spend the whole day with Gab but I planned to make it up to him tomorrow before I go to work.    We'll watch again his favorite show,  the Power Rangers.  This is his new addiction, after Blue's Clues and Barney.  Now he wants to watch the whole movie of  Power Rangers and play pretend that he is one with his sun glasses on.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I must claim it, I am going to be slim soon

Weight gain always come along after the holiday season. I am guilty of this. Most of my clothes does not fit comfortably anymore but I am not going to change my mind in not buying new clothes for me. Reason being is I want to make myself conscious that I REALLY REALLY need to lose weight.
Reading a bit about lipo 6 hers review helped me not only to understand how slimming coffee works to make women become slimmer without having to do exercise and it also convinced me to try the product my officemate Ian is offering. Hopefully, soon I will be able to post another item about me getting slimmer. This will be a great follow on post related to my previous one about me getting chubby.

Cameraless Blogging

If you noticed, I had been blogging without any recent personal photos being uploaded. Pardon my blog, but I am cameraless now.  I am not  born to be writer, I blog only just anything I can think of without having any plot nor plan of my story.  Whatever comes to mind and that is it.  Being cameraless made my blogging even more harder. 

Instead of me just taking the photos and uploading it to my blog, now there is me cosulting weekipedia or google to find the best adjective for what I could have had shown in my photo.

Just last week, I broke my camera without realizing it.  I was deleting some old photos to free up some storage on  my memory card and then all the pictures I take has a black background of some sort.  I am not a techy person and I never bothered trying to check what is wrong with my little machine.  Thankfully, I have Rey who has a good heart to take the camera to the repair shop.  I hope he finds time to squeeze it in his hectic schedule tomorrow.

Now my next problem is to secure a copy of all of my old pictures in the memory card.  Printing them is a good idea but I am afraid to ruin our printers ink cartridges too.

Safety First

Safety measures at home are not something that we take for granted. My husband Rey is a Safety Supervisor in his office and I work for an oil company that is very conscious when it comes to safety measures. Not to mentioned that we have a year and half kid whose curiosity level is bigger than his parents.

Here are some examples of safety measures we have that I think is worth sharing:

-sharp objects are always kept in higher place to prevent Gab from seeing it and asking to play with it
-screen door is always hooked, my boy loves to push doors
-we only use foam instead of a bed, Gab rotates like a clock when asleep
-safety gloves are my nanny’s best friend. Can you imagine her using a safety gloves when ironing the clothes?
-LPG tank is tightly closed when not in use.
-electric outlets are covered with cabinets or behind the sofas
-center tables or side tables were put away to avoid temptation for my little climber
-emergency phone numbers are displayed and easy to be found in case of emergency
-emergency money is available, at least enough to for a tricycle fare to rush to the nearest hospital or to our nearest relative
-we use wall fans instead of desk fans, these are also great space savers

All these safety measures worked for me very well. As my child gets older, he discovers lots of things every day. We just make sure that we are watching him all the time, even when asleep to prevent any untoward incidents.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Did I ever wrote in this blog that I am an dog and cat lover.  I cannot remember not having either a cat or a dog since I was a child.  My fingers will not be enough to count all the pets that had lived with me ever since. 

I even made my husband Rey fall in love with my kitten named "Muning", even if that is what most cats are called, my Muning will be my Muning forever.  This lovely cat was so pampered with me, there was even a time I let her sleep in our room with my baby Gab.  Too bad she peed on our bed that is why she was never able to sleep with us again.

Just recently, we suspected my dog Sam, short for Samantha for being pregnant.   I remember there was something different with her attitude especially when it comes to her food.  She would smell the food first before eating it.

I was surprised when my nanny told me that she found a lifeless pup beside Sam one morning, but she did not bother waking me up to check it and she merely put it away from Sam.  I was really saddened,  I am not too sure but it could be a pupp from Sam.  Sad to say its lifeless. Had I been riched and can spend millions for my pets, I would have that pupp undergo a dog dna testing just to be sure.

this is one of our cat Frio when got him with still eyes still closed
we had him feed in a bottle.

Sunday is Family Day

You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them.

- Family Day Quotes by Desmond Tutu

Its only Sunday's when both me and Rey are off from work so we make it a point to attend to Gab well and make him enjoy the whole day. When you are a parent, its really an indescribable feeling when you see your kids giggle and laugh and enjoy the whole day either playing and just being with you.

Today, we visited our place in Laguna.  We checked the place after our tenants vacated the it and to make plans on what we need to fix before we move in.  Our tentative date to move will be on 15th February, just few weeks away from now.     So even if today's family day is just spending the whole day travelling from Cavite to Laguna and Laguna to Cavite, I'm sure Gab enjoyed it. He likes riding in a car and watching the view along the road.

Gab and Rey had call it a day already, they are now sound asleep in the room.  This is my time to hit the keyboard of my laptop and surf the net.  I need  to cut my blogging short and look for a website that offers managed hosting

If you are one of my regular blog readers and keeps your own blog, I will appreciate any recommendation you may have for blog hosting.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Zodiac Sign | OPHIUCHUS

Ever wonder what your new Zodiac Sign is:

Capricorn: January 20 - February 16

Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
Pisces: March 11 - April 18
Aries: April 18 - May 13
Taurus: May 13 - June 21
Gemini: June 21 - July 20
Cancer: July 20 - August 10
Leo: August 10 - September 16
Virgo: September 16 - October 30
Libra: October 30 - November 23
Scorpio: November 23 - November 29
Ophiuchus: November 29 - December 17
Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20

The newest Zodiac sign that was added is OPHIUCHUS, not really new because it has been around for ages.  According to the Minnesota Planetarium Society, due to the gravitational pull of the moon to our planet, its position in relation to the axis changed resulting to have 13 zodiac signs. 

Check the following links for more reading.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3

Sunday, January 16, 2011

how well are you in spelling

Have you asked yourself of this question? How well are you in spelling?  I think this question should not only be asked by students but also those who are no longer studying.  Believe it or not, this is one problem that hits us from time to time.  I myself is guilty, even if I I know the word very well, I am still guilty of mispelling that word and in worst cases, I will never realize that I have spelled that word incorrectly.

Using a cellphone thru texting, affects our spelling seriously, because with text messaging, its enough not to include vowels as long as the consonants would be able to carry the word you want to say.  I am guilty of this.  And this is my culprit for not being able to spell words correctly, TXTNG.  See that!

I have listed  words that give me scare in spelling.


Thank you so much for the help of microsoft word, for being a saver everytime I am helpless with spelling.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Moving to Laguna, still a plan!

Several times I have mentioned that we will soon move to our place in Laguna.  And it should be anytime soon.  Until now, the family who's renting the place still can't find a new place to move in to.  Last I heard from them is they are hoping to move out before the 15th of January, that would be on Saturday. 

Our current place have a very nice tiles flooring, ours in Laguna is just finished cement.   See that picture below, my son loves to walk the floor barefooted.  Hopefully we get to discuss this soon,  I have to ask Rey what kind of flooring we will have in Laguna.  I have heard of glass tiles before but I am not sure what it really is.

think twice before you say fat or chubby

When I was single and still haven't given birth, I thought I am the chubbiest girl amongst all my friends.  I was never satisfied with my figure and always wished to be able to wear a size 24 or 25 jeans.  Mine is always 27 and 28, at times 29.

During my pregnancy, I have promised to myself to reduce weight, but that promise was broken.  I never stopped gaining weight and even if I felt that I lost some pounds I still cannot put on my old jeans and blouses.  What I shame!  How I wished I was able to appreciate my figure back then, I never thought it was the best that I could have. 
Me, Chel and Sophie
I am not loosing my confidence and I've got nothing to be ashamed of, though I will be a hypocrite if I will not admit that I want that belly fat away.  I know there are methods of exercises that helps  remove belly fat but it will not really work for me.  It could be anything but not exercise.  It sounds funny, but I hope prayers will do. 
this was way back in 2006, you see Chel with her beautiful long hair

with my sister-in-law, Ate Nina
Single ladies, if you read this blog, think twice before you say you are fat or chubby.  That may be your best figure you could have.

i have sinned

I have sinned a lot this past holiday season. Have sinned of eating so much, I can't stop. Foods are overflowing and I would really pitty myself if I am not going at least try and taste the dishes.

My vacations leaves were all consumed even before my birthday in October that is why I don't have a choice but to report to work on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve, sniff sniff!! Our office offered free meals during the shift while we are working and celebrating the ocassion. Not only that, we feasted also when we visited my grandmother and uncle in Bulacan and then another buffet were waiting to be attacked in Antipolo when we visited Rey's family. That was only on Christmas Day. Come New Year, we prepared dishes at home even if I need to go to work. Rey likes to have lots of foods to welcome the New Year.
And now is my payback time. The food I ate during the holidays is now hunting me. I gained so much and my appetite increased as well, giving me a hard time to refuse to eat or at least watch my diet. Because of that, I gave in to try some appetite suppressants that is being offered in the market. Finally, I tried the one that is being sold by one of my officemate. I really hope that it will give me good result once I finish the box I was given. But one thing is for sure, it really reduced my appetite!!! Thank you Ian and Sophie for encouraging me use this product.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

somebody, advise please..........

I think I am exagerating today!  I am making a big problem out of our important papers at home.  Keeping files and keeping it neat and organized has always been a challenge for me.  Plastic envelopes and plastics folders does not work all the time, not to being its being weather proof.

Once, I mentioned that we experience flood with typhoon Basyang in April last year and until now our important documents that got flooded is still not fixed.  It was dried, but I haven't re-organized it yet.    I hope I have a document scanning software that I can use to save files and secure it from any type of weather. 

How I wish I have enough money to pay the service the man offers in this photo.

Thank You Tito Molly!!!

Remember how I wished for a new phone for christmas, that htc sense that I came across over the internet while surfing? I never thought that wish will come true, I was really surprised when my Tito Molly left his phone for me before going back to Jeddah.   Getting an htc will be an overkill for my wish to be granted.  I am extremely thankful for this red dual sim phone that I got from my Uncle.   He's always been my Santa Claus ever since.  "Thank you  and I love you so much, Tito Molly!"

my new phone fresh from the box!!!
 This dual sim phone is best for my eload business. Instead of using three phones for my three sim cards, I will now be able to insert two sim cards on this lovely dual sim phone.

That's my Tito Molly cuddling my son Gab.  Behind is my "inaanak" Ashley and my lovely grandmother.

As I write this blog, my Tito Molly and Tito Noel is on their trip going back to Jeddah.  Tito Molly just sent me a message that they are now  in Malaysia for a stop over.  You two, please do take care! We'll see you home again next year for another vacation.

Baby You Can Drive My Car

One of the best investment that Rey and I had for 2010 is his new baby, the car that we bought after our birthdays.  I never thought in my whole life that I will experience having my own, or our own car as early as this.  We are happy enough being able to make both ends meet until we finally realized that its time we move in to our place in Laguna.  And since we both work in Manila, we need to have our own transportation, especially me who have the most irregular schedule at work.   There's no means of transportation anymore in Laguna by past ten pm, yet my office hours is between 3 o'clock in the afternoon up to twelve midnight.

We initially planned to move in early this year, at least within January.  That is why I need to learn driving as soon as I can.  Unfortunately, Rey and I have no enough time to practice, not the mention the tight schedule during the holidays.   Not only driving lesson is what I need. Its a necesity to learn about traffic rules,  road signs,  road maps.  Not to mention basic trouble shooting, basic terminologies that has something to do with vehicles.  I am getting overwhelmed just by the thought of it.  Cars and driving are something I am not prepared of.  Unfamiliar words like  chassis, stencils, brembo and what ever you may call it, scares me a lot.  I've heard of them but I do not have a very good explanation of what exactly it is.

I hope Rey's baby cooperates with me well.  Here she is when she blessed in Antipolo church.

here she is when we had her blessed in Antipolo Chruch

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wants, wants, wants!!!

When I was a kid, my grandmother would always tell me that its best if I finish school and start working, then I can buy everything I want.   That's what I have in mind until I finish college and start working.   Yes, I worked and earned money but I was never able to buy everything I want, I wonder it will happen.   I am working but I am broke, I never liked the feeling of not having any money at all but I just noticed that the more money I get the more that I feel like I don't have anything at all.  Maybe its because I never stop wanting!!!

Here are the things that I want, but I don't know how to get it.  It seems that I can only have this in my dreams.
  • I want to have my own hot air balloon.
  • I want to buy silver coins, the Europeans and US dollar coins are what i want
  • I want to have 101 Dalmatians
  • I want to have my own Disneyland
  • I want to see Garfield and Odie
I know I really don't need those things but it just feels good to think of things impossible to achieve. 

God's big surprise

I've always wish that I'd be Mrs. Calapano! Yep, that's true but it was back in highschool days.  Back then were "party lines", that thing on the telephone line where you get to talk to someone while you hear the busy tone.  FLAMES, I wonder if high school girls and boys still do that with their names and their crushes names. Slum notes or slum book, what ever you call it.  There were no cellphones, no facebook, I am not even sure if there was friendster then already.

So after high school, my ever crush Reynald Calapano, was just a memory, a character in my daydreams sometimes.  We all went to college, unfortunately, I did not have any of my high school friends in my new school. I did not even think that my crush and I will bump into each other after we finished college.  Haha, this time, my high school ultimate crush is courting me. Who am I to say no, of course I said yes. And we got married and had a son and lived happily together.

We got married in 2007 but we missed the church wedding.  We did not experience the excitement and hardship of preparing for the church wedding. There we no church reservation, no gown and tuxedo or barong fitting, no bridal shower invitations sent, not even a wedding invitation.  But there was a happily married couple called Mr. and Mrs. Reynald Calapano.  I don't mind if I didn't have all those, at least I am married to my forever love.  Who knows whats in store for us in the future.  Maybe God has a big surprised just like when he surprised me to marry my forever love.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

considering an online job, hhmmm

My friend Chel just had a wonderful gift for the year 2011, she was offered to write an article online for a fee, of course!

Suddenly, I thought of looking for online jobs as well to augment household expenses or even at least save some money to spend in the future.  I am considering signing up to elance or re-activating one of my old blog that suggest online jobs.

By the way, while surfing, I came accross this NC short term health insurance that is very convenient for non-working and self-employed individual.  This website offers affordable and comprehensive insurance plan that can be purchased online.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The New Philippine Peso Bill

My son was lucky to collect one of the New Philippine Peso Bill!  He got this crunchy bill from one of his Lola who has a relative that works for a bank, I think there are only few yet in the circulation.
Due to my curiosity for the new generation bank notes, I managed to find a picture that shows all the new bills in the web.

The new bills have security features and fresh look. Security features includes embossed prints, serial numbers, security fibers, water marks, see-through marks, concealed value and security thread.  Fresh look would be the same old photos in our current banknotes but with a youthful images of our old presidents or heroes and heroines while the reverse side shows natural wonders of the Philippines.  Source.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Blackbirds Falling

I feel saddened hearing  about the blackbirds falling in Arkansas from the evening news tonight.  It happened Friday night, New Year's eve, at the town of Beebe though the news was realeased as early as Saturday .

As of the moment, there are no scientific reasons yet as to why it happened, though theories such as huge flock  birds may have been killed by lightning or they may hit the high altitude hail storm.

Another story that local officials are looking at is the estimated 100,000 dead drum fish found lined in the riverbank lifeless along Arkansas River on Saturday, 125 west of Beebe.  Could this be related?

More story, click this and this.